Answered By: ILL Team
Last Updated: 19 Aug, 2024     Views: 1424

Inter Library Loans are ordered from the British Library primarily and from other UK locations if the British Library is unable to supply an item.

To order an interlibrary loan visit the library catalogue

Click on Interlibrary loans

You will need to Log in using your Library card number and password.

To make the request choose which form you need for your request.

ILL Requests for Books:

We need the full title of the book, the author or editor and the year the book was published.  If you have the ISBN please put that in as well.  We are unable to supply ebooks as an interlibrary loan.  All books are physical loans.

ILL Requests for Conferences:

We need the conference title, the location, date the conference was held. If requesting an article, we need the page numbers and article title.

ILL Requests for Journals/Articles/Book Chapters:

We need the Title of the book or Journal, the volume and issue number, the pages that you need the article or chapter author and the article or chapter title. The default method for delivery of articles/chapters is electronic.

ILL Requests for Thesis/Standards:

We need the Title of the thesis, the date and the university

Most UK PHD theses are available to download through ETHOS (Electronic Thesis Online Service). To download theses you will need to register for the service and login to your account. Some international Theses are available via the Proquest Dissertation service.

Fill in the form. The title field and User Department are mandatory fields. The more information you provide us for your request will mean less delays in the processing. If you don’t have all the information for what you want please supply us with your source of reference.

Title – The name of the book or the Journal that you are requesting.  This is a required field.

Vol/Part – indicate which volume and issue the requested article is from.  This is a required field.

Pages – Indicate the pages the article spans.  This is a required field.

Year – the year the journal issue was published.  This is a required field.

Art/chap author – the author(s) of the requested article.  This is a required field.

Art/chap title/no – article title. This is a required field.

ISSN/ISBN – please indicate if known

Information Source – indicate the source of reference

Comments – any additional comments regarding the request

User’s Department – This is a required field.

Fund Code – only applicable to special research fund code

Delivery – Electronic is the default and you can choose to have it in print as well.

Publisher – indicate publisher if known

Read and tick the box for the copyright declaration to agree to the terms click submit

You will receive an email once the request has been sent.

Checking the request

Users can check requests, click my account and then select requests

Click on the title that you wish to view and you can see the request and any responses.


if you need any further assistance in requesting an interlibrary loan please contact