Answered By: Satyesh Shah
Last Updated: 03 Dec, 2024     Views: 5827

The University requires all doctoral researchers, and Master's students on a MPhil or MRes programme to deposit their full final thesis in the Library, for archiving in BURA, the University's open access research repository.

As a unique contribution to the body of research in your discipline, your thesis will also automatically be deposited in the British Library collection of UK theses, EThOS, under a UK national agreement.


How do I deposit my thesis?

Once you have received University confirmation of your award, please supply the following documentation to the Library:

  1. A full final version of your thesis containing all the appendices in a single and unsecured PDF file 
  2. (a). A copy of your award letter and (b). Transcript of Studies
  3. A completed and signed Thesis Deposit Licence form 

All of the above documents should be sent to and you will receive an acknowledgment by email within 10 working days.

Please ensure that the thesis title and metadata are correct and complete, as these records are fixed and changes cannot be made to these once published. 

The Thesis Deposit Licence Form and further information is available from Submitting your thesis, and from the Links and Files below.