Answered By: Dom Benson Last Updated: 10 Jan, 2025 Views: 4137
Google Scholar (GS) is set up to resolve links to our e-journal subscriptions. Just log in to your Google account, open and set up your home institution as follows:
- Select Google Scholar's "hamburger" or "tribar" menu (≡)
- Select "Settings"
- Select "Library Links"
- Search for Brunel (may be displayed automatically on campus)
- Select "Brunel University London - Full-Text @ Brunel"
- Optionally, if required, set up your bibliography manager as RefWorks - see our web page at and scroll down to the section "RefWorks By Database" for advice on how to export references from GS to RefWorks
Now, when GS returns your search results, you should see the link "Full-Text @ Brunel" on the right hand margin whenever we have a valid subscription to access the article. If your Brunel Sign In session is not running already, you would probably be prompted to log on before being taken to the article.
NB: the "Access resources off-campus" link on the Library home page is integrated with both our e-journals A to Z and our "article linker" or link resolver, ie the OpenURL linking system that underlies "Full-Text @ Brunel".
Links & Files
- Google Scholar's settings - library links Opens in new window
- Brunel's pre-scoped institutional Google Scholar query URL Opens in new window
- RefWorks support Opens in new window
- Library homepage Opens in new window
- E-Journals A to Z Opens in new window
- Inter Library Loans and Secure Electronic Delivery Opens in new window
- Inter Library Loans FAQs Opens in new window
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