Answered By: Satyesh Shah
Last Updated: 16 Oct, 2023     Views: 1956

Theses submitted before 1 October 2008 can be found in bound format on Floor 1 of the Library. They are filed alphabetically by the author's family name. 

Please note that these are reference only and cannot be taken out of the Library. Since 2008, theses have been submitted in electronic format and have been archived open access in BURA, Brunel University Research Archive. Brunel theses are also available through the national thesis collection at the British Library: EThOS.   

You can find thesis content by searching the Library catalogue and you will be able to access the full text where this is available from your search. Alternatively, you can browse our collection of doctoral research in BURA online. 

Theses can be searched using the 'Advanced Search' category of the catalogue by changing the 'Type' or 'Location' to 'Theses'.  This will search all bound and electronic theses held at the Library.