Answered By: Alice Cann
Last Updated: 07 May, 2024     Views: 1578

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, and is one mention of analysing how a company, or other entity, is doing. The databases Passport and Reports from Business Source Premier, both subscribed to by Brunel Library, contain company profiles, including SWOT analyses.

Login to Access resources off campus from the Library homepage, then access these databases from the Market Research page, or the Databases A-Z list.  Then search for the company you need information on, and SWOT, e.g. Toyota AND SWOT.

If you cannot find a SWOT analysis for a particular company, you may need to read reports and articles on the company generally and use the information from these to put together a SWOT analysis yourself. This may also be beneficial if you do find a report with a SWOT analysis, as it ensures you consider multiple perspectives.

Contact your Academic Liaison Librarian for further guidance.