Answered By: ASK Team
Last Updated: 02 Aug, 2022     Views: 849

You can make an appointment to see a Writing and Learning adviser if you have any questions about your writing or study skills. Appointments last 30 minutes and students can book themselves one slot per day

Currently all appointments are taking place virtually via MS Teams, so if you would like an appointment with an adviser please go to the ASK 1-2-1 booking page where you'll find more information on our Writing and Learning appointments.

Click the following link to access the ASK 1-2-1 booking page.

If you require an appointment with an Academic Skills Adviser outside of available times, please email us at

For maths and statistics we offer drop-ins and online appointments:

For Maths and Numeracy appointments click the following link: Book a Maths 1-2-1 appointment

For Statistics and SPSS appointments click the following link:  Book a Stats 1-2-1 appointment

You can also email the team directly at