Answered By: Alice Cann Last Updated: 07 May, 2024 Views: 774
The databases I recommend searching first for company reports are Passport and Business Source Premier. The links for these can be selected from the Library homepage under Databases A-Z or the Market Research Library guide for which there is a link towards the top of the same page as the databases list. Make sure you are logged in to access resources off campus.
Mintel is a really good resource, containing reports about many UK markets and industries. These sometimes contain short sections on the relevant companies, rather than in company reports (though the companies section goes into more depth in some reports).
Passport contains many company profiles - some are global company profiles, considering an international perspective; others are local company profiles, focusing on a specific country. If the company you're researching operates in several countries you might want to look at several local company profiles.
Search for the company name in the search box at the top of the page in Passport - the company may appear in the Analysis results without you pressing Enter. You can also click View all results, under the Analysis options, and then use the Filter options at the left of the page to limit the results by Geographies (countries), Categories and Topics, and Analysis (this includes limiting to Company profiles).
If you don’t find the company you’re looking for, consider whether you’re using the brand name – is there another name that the company might be known by?
You won’t necessarily see sections in a report on market position, strategy and performance, but browse through the content sections (listed at the left of the report homepage) and you will probably see other sections that contain this information.
Passport doesn’t have reports on all companies but its coverage is global.
In Business Source Premier, search for the company name AND Marketline (the organisation that is the author of many company reports in Business Source Premier).
You can also search the database Business Source Premier for the company name AND another keyword or phrase such as strategy, performance or market position to find journal articles as a further source of information on these topics.
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