Answered By: Library Systems Team Last Updated: 08 Nov, 2023 Views: 212
On the front page of the Library catalogue, there is a "Library Info" box on the right hand side which contains links to New Books and New Audio-Visual Items. These will show items recently added to the Library's collection.
The catalogue also provides RSS feeds, in such a way that you can set up a feed for any criteria you'd like. After you've carried out a search (basic or advanced), you'll see the orange RSS button at the top of the search results list.
As with other RSS feeds, simply right-click this and copy the link address, then add this URL into your RSS reader (e.g. Outlook) - you are then subscribed to this feed. Whenever an item is added to the catalogue that would be found by your search, it will appear in your feed reader.
For example, you could carry out a general keyword search for "quantum mechanics" and subscribe to the RSS feed for those search results, in order to see items new to the Library in this field. Or, you could use the author search to get an RSS feed of items by a particular writer. You can also use the Advanced Search feature on the catalogue to set up much more precise searches if you'd like a very specific feed.
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