Answered By: Alice Cann
Last Updated: 10 Nov, 2023     Views: 627

Mintel Market Sizes is a resource containing market data for 22 consumer industries across 54 countries. You can search by country and industry or market to produce a customised report that meets your needs. I

From the Library homepage, select Databases A-Z from and then select M and then the Mintel Market Sizes link from the list. You will need to agree to the terms and conditions.

When you know which report you are looking for, you can type the title and country into the search box at the top right of the page, e.g. 'Carbonated soft drinks UK'. You will then see a link to the html report, containing data in tabs for browsing online. You can download the report as a Word, PowerPoint, Excel or PDF file. These options contain further information, such as text analysing the data.

If you don't know the title of the report you are looking for, select Search from the bar along the top of the screen. You can then select the region and country, then the industry and market you require. It is possible to select more than one country and market. Links to individual datasets are displayed in the box at the bottom of the screen, or you can select View Results at the bottom right to view multiple datasets in one report.

Remember that Mintel Market Sizes is just one of the market research databases available through Brunel Library. If you don't find a report on the topic you're researching in this database, do look in the other databases listed on the Market Research Libguide.