Answered By: Alice Cann
Last Updated: 10 Nov, 2023     Views: 458

Firstly, from the Library homepage, using the Library Search box select the 'Journals' tab. This is an A-Z list of all the journals we subscribe to electronically. Then type the title of the journal, eg Journal of Product & Brand Management, into the search box.

You will see several links to places where you can access the journal online, and the date range our holdings cover (please note different years may be in different places). In this instance, Emerald Management will give access to the issue you need, published for example in 1996. When you go into Emerald you should see an option to 'search within this text'. You can paste the title of the article into the search box and you should get a page where there is a full text link to the article. Alternatively you can browse through the list of volumes and issues (including the most recent issue) to choose the relevant one and then select the article from the table of contents.

If you are certain that you have typed the journal title into the journals search box correctly but don't get a result then Brunel probably doesn't have access to the journal electronically. Search for the journal title on the Library catalogue to see if we have access in print.

The Finding Journal Articles guide, demonstrates how to search for journal titles on both the E-journals A-Z and the Library catalogue. There are several other sources and techniques which might help you find journals other than through Brunel. Please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian if you would like help with this.