Answered By: Alice Cann Last Updated: 13 Dec, 2023 Views: 338
Our subscription to the Emerald database only gives us access to certain Emerald journals, not to all journals published by Emerald. Emerald journals that we don't have access to shouldn't come up in a search on the Emerald database, if you select the option "only content I have access to" using the drop down option under Advanced Search, Access type, the default is set as all content. You may come across them through a reference elsewhere or by searching on Google. A search on the E-journals A-Z, our A-Z list of all the journals we subscribe to electronically (link from the Library homepage), will show you if we subscribe to a particular journal. For older journal articles please check whether we have the journal in print by searching for the journal title on the Library catalogue.
The options for getting hold of articles in journals we don't subscribe to are:
- Applying for it using the library Inter Library Loan (ILL) service. Information on Inter Library Loans can be found on the Inter Library Loans page.
- If the journal is not available at other university libraries, you could also get access to the journal by visiting the British Library, for which you'd have to register as a user. See the British Library website or contact your Subject Liaison Librarian for more information.
It can sometimes be worth searching for the article title on Google Scholar. If the author has uploaded the article onto their university's institutional repository then you will usually get a link to it there.
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