Answered By: Monique Ritchie Last Updated: 20 Nov, 2023 Views: 1102
It's highly unlikely that you can copy an entire book fairly without prejudicing the rights of the copyright owner, even for educational purposes.
The University's licence with the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) covers a lot of course related copying, but has restrictions on the amount that you can copy, or be supplied with: that is, no more than 10% or a complete chapter from a book, or a complete journal article from an issue, whichever is the greater. There are currently no educational licences which authorise copying a work in its entirety for course related study. Explicit permission from the rights owner would be required and may be subject to clearance fees.
In very limited circumstances, it might be possible for an individual (but not multiple users) to copy more, provided they can justify the copying under a fair dealing exception, are covered by a waiver or direct permission. Statutory exceptions in the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended 2014) allow copying of whole works for visually impaired persons.
For advice, contact your Academic Liaison Librarian, or
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