Answered By: Alice Cann
Last Updated: 07 May, 2024     Views: 2527

Company profiles are available in several of our market research databases.  The content varies from one database to another but they may include any or all of the following topics, and more:

  • company background
  • strategic evaluation
  • company performance
  • key employees
  • top competitors

The content of the report varies depending on which database you are using and some databases will be better for companies within particular industries, so it is often a good idea to consult the reports in several databases.

All the databases mentioned here can be accessed from the Market Research LibGuide and the A-Z list of databases on the Library website.

Passport, a database produced by Euromonitor, contains many company profiles. Some are in depth Global Company Profiles, and others are more basic local Company Profiles. The best way to find these reports is to search for the name of the company you are researching.

Business Source Premier is another good source of company profiles, published by Marketline (please note that we only have selected reports). On the Market Research page, under the "Reports from Business Source Premier" heading, there are links to the different kinds of reports. If you click on the link to "company profiles", you will see a list of company names. Type the name of the company you are researching into the "Browse for" box. Click on the company name for more details about the report, or the PDF report icon to open up the full report.

Mintel Reports, our database containing reports on UK Market Research in a number of sectors, does not have in depth company profiles, but there are often sections on companies within the reports on particular markets. In Mintel, try searching for the company name, using the search box at the top right. Click on the title of a report, and then look through the contents at the left of the page to see if there is a section on the company.

Statista has dossiers on selected companies, these are datasets related to the company, collected into a dossier

Company information may also be found in the market and industry reports within several of these databases, and within articles in the journal databases. Refer to the list of databases on the Business and Management Subject Guide.

For further advice on using any of the above databases, or other potential sources of company information, please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian.