Answered By: Alice Cann
Last Updated: 08 May, 2024     Views: 1122

Passport is one of our Market Research databases, listed on the Market Research Library Guide, and the Databases A-Z.  It contains reports and data published by Euromonitor. To find company reports:

  • Type the company name into the search box at the top of the page
  • In addition to company reports, the list of results will include links to statistics tables and market reports in which the company is mentioned. Use the Filter Analysis option to narrow down to more relevant results - By Geography and By Analysis are most useful.
  • You will now see reports about the company you're researching, and reports on other companies, where your company is mentioned.
  • Some companies have detailed Global Company Profiles, looking at the company across the whole world, other companies have briefer Local Company Profiles, looking at the company in an individual country. Some companies have Local and Global reports.
  • Often there are several reports on a company, looking at the company in relation to different markets.
  • When you have selected the report you want to look at, you will be able to view it online, use the table of contents at the left of the page, or download the report as a PDF.

If you cannot find the company you need in Passport, or want to find other reports, see the Companies section on the Market Research Library Guide. Also consider whether you’re using the brand name – is there another name that the company might be known by?

Lots of videos and guides are available within Passport, under the 'help' tab

For more assistance using Passport, or any other databases, contact your Academic Liaison Librarian.