Answered By: Alice Cann Last Updated: 07 Dec, 2023 Views: 1958
You can select the journals you want to search in by consulting the relevant subject section(s) of the Academic Journal Guide (previously the ABS guide). This list can be found by searching online for ABS journal quality guide, or following the link attached to this answer. You will need to register to access the list which links journal titles to their profiles within the multidisciplinary databases, Scopus and Web of Science, including in particular other impact factors such as CiteScore, SJR and SNIP. Further information about these factors can be found by clicking on the link to Scopus from within the list.
(This is a business focused journal list; other options are listed on the Library page which describes topics under Bibliometrics).
Search for these journals in the database Business Source Premier:
- identify the journal titles you want to search, from the appropriate subject sections in the ABS list
- search for each of these journals in the Publications search in Business Source Premier (on the blue bar at the top of the screen). Most business related journals will be in this list, though many will only have bibliographic details in Business Source Premier - the full text, if we have it, may be available in another database, and will be linked to from the list of results in any search.
(Researchers in subject areas other than business may want to do this in another EBSCO database, such as Academic Search Complete) - as you go through the list, search for each journal title you need in the Browsing box, and then click Add. The journal titles will be added to the search box at the top of the screen. (You can click Add after searching for each title, or search for titles, check boxes next to the relevant journals, and click Add after searching for everything you need).
- click Search - the results will be all articles that have ever been published in any of these journals
- use the advanced search boxes to add your keywords
(Further details on using the advanced search effectively can be found in the Using Databases: database search tips section of our Finding Resources pages) - now the results should be all the articles which include your keywords in the journals that you selected. At this point you may want to limit your results by date
- if required, you can then use the Publications limit at the left of the page to see how many articles relevant to your keywords have been published in each of the journals, and click on the journal links to see what these articles are
- click on PDF full text to open articles, or AL Link to full text to check for availability of full text articles in other databases,
Contact your Academic Liaison Librarian for more help in searching for journal articles.
Links & Files
- Academic Journal Guide 2021 Opens in new window
- Advice on journal quality lists Opens in new window
- A-Z list of databases for accessing Business Source Premier Opens in new window
- Finding Resources Library Guide - Using Databases Opens in new window
- Academic Liaison Librarian contact details Opens in new window
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