Answered By: Alice Cann Last Updated: 07 Dec, 2023 Views: 360
Answered By: Alice Cann
Last Updated: 07 Dec, 2023 Views: 360
The H index, or Hirsch index, is a measure of a researcher’s impact in terms of citations. It’s the highest number of a researcher’s papers that has had at least the same number of citations.
A researcher's H index can be found in the databases Scopus and Web of Science, accessible via the Databases A-Z. Instructions on how to find an individual's H index (and an explanation of why it's likely to be different in each database) are on our H index webpage.
For further help, do contact your Academic Liaison Librarian.
See also the alternative, hl,annual - "From h-index to hIa: The ins and outs of research metrics", by Anne-Wil Harzing.
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