Answered By: Alice Cann Last Updated: 07 May, 2024 Views: 186
To check that we definitely have full text or access to or a hard copy of, any book or a digital reading of the chapter, you first need to search for it by book and chapter title on the Library home page. It's best to choose the 'book' search for the book title and 'search all' for the chapter title - we may have obtained a digital copy of the chapter if it's included in a reading list. If the book or chapter still doesn't show up, or there is just an abstract record relating to the publication or chapter, then we don't own or have access to it. Once you've checked and we definitely don't have access there are a few options by which you can obtain a copy or access to the chapter you need.
- Try searching Google Scholar as often sections or chapters of books have been made available for access there.
- You can check with your Academic Liaison Librarian whether it is possible and sensible for us to buy the book or chapter for Brunel Library.
- You could make a request for an inter-library loan here. A hard copy of the book or a digital copy of just the relevant chapter can often be obtained from another library
- You could search for other local Universities that may have the book in their holdings. You can search the British Library (though information on this is currently limited) or JISC Library Hub Discover sites. There is more information about accessing other UK University Libraries through the SCONUL Access scheme here.
Finally, you might be lucky and find access to the chapter you need through a google search of the titles - it sometimes helps to put the book or chapter title in inverted commas.
Contact your Academic Liaison Librarian for further support.
Links & Files
- Brunel Library homepage for Library search Opens in new window
- Google Scholar Opens in new window
- Inter Library Loans Opens in new window
- Temporary British Library catalogue Opens in new window
- JISC Library Hub Discover Opens in new window
- Sconul Access Opens in new window
- Academic Liaison Librarian contact details Opens in new window
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