Answered By: Alice Cann
Last Updated: 01 Dec, 2023     Views: 169

Have a look in the Market Research databases. These are linked to from the Market Research Library Guide.

In particular try Reports from Business Source Premier (click on the Company Profiles link underneath Reports from Business Source Premier), and search in the Browse box for Alphabet (as this is the name for the Google company).

Also, you will find a report in Statista (where you can search for Google).

You may find it useful to refer the recorded lecture on business resources, which includes the market research databases.

That lecture also talks about the other part of the database Business Source Premier, which is good for searching for journal articles.  Google is likely to come up in lots of articles about other topics which just mention searching on Google etc, so I suggestion you use the drop-down menu next to the search box to search for Google as a company entity:


All databases can be accessed via the Databases A-Z.