Answered By: Mark Ulrich
Last Updated: 04 Sep, 2024     Views: 247

To ensure you are getting full access to any of our e-resources you need to access them from our Library home page (see Link) please click on the bold red Access resources off campus link. (It is still a good idea to do this even if you are on campus). This will appear just below the word Library.

If you are off campus, you will be directed to the Microsoft authentication login, i.e. + password + verification code.

Once you have completed the username and password etc., you should be automatically re-directed back to the home page and will see that the link has now changed to Logged In(If you are on campus and already logged into Brunel wi-fi or network, then this will happen automatically).

You can now start searching for books or articles or go to any of the databases (via the Databases A-Z button) and 99% of the time you will not need to enter any other log in details.

PS: There are a very small number of websites that will still ask for your institutional login, just enter the same username and password again.

PPS: Brunel Library does not necessarily subscribe to everything in any single database.