Answered By: Claire Mazer
Last Updated: 16 Oct, 2023     Views: 11702

See the example used here: Shale gas and fracking (

Use the pattern described at OSCOLA s.3.4 Other Secondary Sources: author, | ‘title’ | (additional information, | publisher | year) also adding: <URL link> accessed date month year.

The author and title are immediately clear from the document. In the centre of the citation you have (additional information, | publisher | year) so use the following information: (Briefing Paper No CBP 6073, House of Commons Library 31 March 2020). The link to the paper should be non-live, i.e. just text as follows in this example:
< >. The date of access is when you accessed the briefing paper, and uses a specific date format, for example: 16 October 2023. Avoid using th after 16 (as in 16th ). The month should be provided in full (October), not Oct or 16/10/23. The year should also be provided in full (2023).

Footnote: Sara Priestley, 'Shale gas and fracking' (Briefing Paper No CBP 6073, House of Commons Library 31 March 2020) < > accessed 16 October 2023.

Remember in your bibliography Sara Priestley’s (the author) name will appear as Priestley S, … rest of citation…

Bibliography: Priestley S, 'Shale gas and fracking' (Briefing Paper No CBP 6073, House of Commons Library 31 March 2020) < > accessed 16 October 2023.

For further help, please contact Claire Mazer (Law librarian) or the Academic Services team