Answered By: Claire Mazer Last Updated: 16 Oct, 2023 Views: 1829
For EU cases in footnotes use the following pattern: Case Number Case Name [Year] report abbreviation first page, for example: Case T–344/99 Arne Mathisen AS v Council [2002] ECR II–2905. Note the word Case precedes the case number. The case name is italicised.
The European Case Law Identifier (ECLI) will be considered by the OSCOLA team when preparing the 5th edition of OSCOLA. For now, it recommends the use of the ECLI citation and the ECR abbreviation where available, i.e. Case 194/94 CIA Security International ECLI:EU:C:1996:172, [1996] ECR I-2201. This pattern of citation would be acceptable in footnotes and the bibliography. However, for unreported cases you can just use the ECLI abbreviation. See OSCOLA FAQs | Faculty of Law ( for more detail. Note that the ECLI abbreviation itself is omitted from the citation. I have left it in this citation in red strikethrough so you can see where it appears and where you should delete it.
For the EU cases in the bibliography, I suggest using the advice shown at s1.6.2 (paras on EU cases):
'If not listed separately, EU cases should be arranged alphabetically by first party name in the table of cases, with the case number following the name of the case in brackets, so that ‘Case T–344/99 Arne Mathisen AS v Council [2002] ECR II–2905’ is cited in the table of cases under ‘A’ as ‘Arne Mathisen AS v Council (T–344/99) 11 [2002] ECR II–2905’. If the table of cases is divided by jurisdiction, list ECJ, CFI and Commission decisions separately, in chronological and numerical order, citing the cases as in footnotes, with the case number first, but omitting the word ‘Case’. If a large number of such cases are cited, it may be helpful to compile a separate table of the cases in alphabetical order.'
For further help, please contact Claire Mazer (Law librarian) or the Academic Services team
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