Answered By: Claire Mazer
Last Updated: 16 Oct, 2023     Views: 5457

To quote phrases or words and then footnote them, look at the guidance in OSCOLA s 1.5 Quotations (this is on page 8). The main things to remember when quoting are:

-put quotations in ‘single quotation marks’. Quotations within quotations should be enclosed in "double quotation marks", i.e. 

Abdul's journal article states that 'it is unclear whether the court will "lift" the corporate veil through the application of tort law principles or "pierce" the corporate veil through the evasion principle'1

1 Sola Abdul, 'Okpabi v Royal Dutch Shell Plc [2021] UKSC 3: is it necessary to "pierce" the corporate veil?' (2021) 32(10) ICCLR 548

In the above example you can see the sentence which has been quoted directly (word for word) from the journal article. This is enclosed in single quotation marks. Abdul has quoted several words - "lift" and "pierce" and these are enclosed in double quotation marks.

-if the quotes are three lines or less, incorporate into your paragraph. If longer than three lines, place the quote as a separate indented paragraph. See examples in the OSCOLA guide on pages 8/9 and also the attached example (opens in Word) which shows how a quote longer than 3 lines should be integrated in to your work. After your quotation place a footnote number (it is recommended to use the footnoting function in Word) which automatically places the same number at the base of the page. If your quotation appears at the end of a sentence, the footnote number appears after the closing punctuation mark, i.e. full stop, of the sentence. You would provide the citation in the footnote as appropriate to the source, i.e. if a book then follow the book citation pattern in OSCOLA.