Answered By: Claire Mazer Last Updated: 27 Feb, 2023 Views: 1684
This is an example of how to reference an individually authored chapter within a book where the overall author / editor is different. See s 3.2.3 Contributions to edited books of OSCOLA for guidance. Here we use the following example: Oxford Handbook of Online Intermediary Liability - Hardback - Giancarlo Frosio - Oxford University Press (
In the footnote you would reference as a chapter within the book:
Valentina Moscon and Reto Hilty, ‘Online Intermediaries as a Vehicle for Unfair Commercial Practices and Trade Secrets Infringement: What Liability within the European Legal Framework?’ in Giancarlo Frosio (ed), Oxford Handbook of Online Intermediary Liability (OUP 2020).
In the bibliography you would provide the same reference, but with the chapter authors’ names inverted and only use the initial not the full forename:
Moscon V and Hilty R, ‘Online Intermediaries as a Vehicle for Unfair Commercial Practices and Trade Secrets Infringement: What Liability within the European Legal Framework?’ in Giancarlo Frosio (ed), Oxford Handbook of Online Intermediary Liability (OUP 2020)
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