Answered By: Kwabena Sarfo-Adu Amankwah Last Updated: 21 Nov, 2023 Views: 4651
RIS is a standardized tag format designed to allow the exchange of citation data between programs. The format is used on platforms such as EBSCOhost, Scopus, ProQuest, OVID to export citations to various reference/citation managers such as RefWorks, Mendeley, Endnote or Zotero.
How to Export an RIS file from Scopus to RefWorks
Form your results screen in Scopus, select the references you want to export.
Click on the RIS export tab and when prompted, save the file to your device.
Log in to your ProQuest RefWorks account.
Click on the Add a reference + tab and select Import references. Note that from this page you can also import references from Mendeley.
Under Import from a file, you can do one of two things to import your RIS file;
Drag and drop the .ris file from where it is saved (e.g. Downloads) into the box.
Click on Select a file from your computer. Browse to where the file is saved (e.g. Downloads)
Click on the file and then on Open
Next click on Import to download the file.
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