Answered By: Liane Frydland Last Updated: 22 Apr, 2024 Views: 464
Brunel does not have a subscription to be able to download full-text ISO standards. However, many ISO standards have been "adopted" by the British Standards Institution (BSI), and have been published as an "equivalent" British Standard - and we do have access to these via the British Standards Online (BSOL) database.
To access BSOL, please visit the Library's A to Z list of databases here :
To see if BSI have published an equivalent to an ISO standard, simply do a search in BSOL for "BS ISO" and the number of the ISO standard. For example, to find the British standard equivalent to ISO 9001, simply search for "BS ISO 9001".
Note ISO standards may be "adopted" and published as equivalents by various standards bodies. So you may find more letters in the standard numbers. In the above example - what you will hopefully find is BS EN ISO 9001. The EN stands for European - and means the European Union have also "adopted" ISO 9001.
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