Answered By: Claire Mazer
Last Updated: 28 Feb, 2024     Views: 143

The present version of OSCOLA does not provide specific guidance for citing YouTube videos. The suggestion given is to cite YouTube videos using the advice in the main OSCOLA guide at s3.4 Other Secondary Sources: OSCOLA FAQs | Faculty of Law (

Below is an example of a YouTube video and how you would cite this in a footnote:

Riccardo Vecellio Segate and Solon Solomon, 'Al expert: We must accept complete prediction of artificial intelligence is probably impossible' (12 December 2023) <> accessed 26 February 2024.

For the bibliography, simply use the surname and the initial of the first name followed by the rest of the citation:

Segate, RV and Solmon S, 'Al expert: We must accept complete prediction of artificial intelligence is probably impossible' (12 December 2023) <> accessed 26 February 2024.